Skyway Memorial Funeral Home and Cremation Services
In the heart of Palmetto.
Explore Skyway Memorial Funeral Home
Where Palmetto
Local Time
3:29 pm
Today's Hours
8:30am - 1pm
Mon - Tue: 8AM - 4PM
Wed: 8AM - 5PM
Thu - Fri: 8AM - 4PM
Sat: 8:30AM - 1PM
Sunday: By appointment only
Monday- Friday please call if you need a later appointment, staff is able to stay if needed.
Someone is available by phone 24/7 at 941-722-4543 the answering service after hours can patch you through to any director if needed.
- Loved by Families for 71 Years and Counting
- Impeccable Facilities and Grounds
- Proudly Serving All Religions
- All-Inclusive Funeral & Cemetery Services
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